Water features such as fountains, ponds, and waterfalls are a fantastic way to add tranquility and serenity to any outdoor space. Incorporating water features into your hardscape plan can transform your backyard into a peaceful oasis. Keep reading below for some tips on how to incorporate water features into your hardscape plan!

Determine the Purpose of Your Water Feature

Before adding any water feature to your hardscape plan, it is important to determine its purpose. Do you want it to be a focal point of your outdoor space, or do you want it to blend in seamlessly with your landscaping? Are you looking for a soothing and relaxing environment or are you looking for a dynamic and exciting water feature? Do you want to attract birds or other pollinators to your yard and offer them a place to bathe or drink? Are you interested in your water feature becoming home to local frogs or turtles? The possibilities are endless!

Answering these questions will help you determine the size, shape, and design of your water feature. For example, if you are looking for a tranquil environment, a small fountain or a pond with a gentle waterfall would be ideal. However, if you are looking for an exciting water feature, a larger pond with a waterfall or a large fountain may be more suitable for your preferences.

Consider the Location

The location of your water feature is crucial. It should be easily accessible and visible from different angles of your outdoor space. A water feature can be incorporated into any part of your hardscape plans, such as a patio, garden, or walkway.

When choosing the location, consider the surrounding plants and trees. Water features can be affected by fallen leaves and debris, so it is best to choose a location that is not directly under trees or near plants that may drop a lot of leaves into the water feature. Additionally, ensure that the location is not too close to your home's foundation or any underground utilities to avoid flooding. If your yard tends to attract irritating pests such as mosquitos, you may want a water feature that is fluid and not stagnant; so choose the location carefully!

Choose the Right Materials

Water features can be made from a variety of materials, including stone, concrete, metal, and glass. It is important to choose the right materials that match the style of your outdoor space and the purpose of your water feature. For example, if you want a natural-looking water feature, you can use natural stone or rock. On the other hand, if you want a modern-looking water feature, you can use metal or glass to really make a statement!

In addition to the materials used for the water feature itself, the surrounding area should also be considered. For example, if you are adding a pond, you may want to incorporate rocks, plants, and other natural elements around it to make it look more natural. Lily pads, aquatic plants, or pebbles may be great options for the design of the water feature. 

Lighting is Your Friend. Use it.

Adding lighting to your water feature can make it stand out at night and create a beautiful ambiance. You can use underwater lighting to highlight the water's movement or use landscape lighting to illuminate the surrounding area to make the water feature really look stunning. Another service we offer here at TPS Landscaping is Lighting Design. To view examples of our lighting projects or learn more about those, click here

Hire TPS Landscaping to Install a Water Feature For Your Western North Carolina Landscape Plan.

While it is possible to create your water feature on your own, it is recommended to hire a professional hardscape contractor. A professional, like TPS Landscaping, will ensure that the water feature is installed properly and will last for years to come. We can also provide suggestions and ideas that you may not have considered, including design and more! To view some of our work, click here. If you're ready to make the call and book a consult, click here!

Incorporating water features into your hardscape plan can add a unique and relaxing element to your outdoor space. By determining the purpose of your water feature, choosing the right location and materials, hiring a professional, and incorporating lighting, you can create a beautiful and peaceful environment that you can enjoy for years to come!